Saturday, December 20, 2008

Students and Labor Unite to Stop Sarkozy's education Cutback s

Students and Labor Union Stop Sarkozy's Education "Reforms"

Mike Tolochko

On January 23, 2009, students and labor unions across the country will be demonstrating against the sharp attack by President Sarkozy's education program. This marks for the first time in decades, all 7 union federations in France, CGT, FO, CFDT, Catholic Unions and three others joining together. It took Sarkozy gain that unity..

But, the icing on the cake, the unifying coalition that stopped Sarkozy in his tracks was when students and unions joined together.

That is the good news from France. Education cutbacks are dead for the time being. The January 23rd demonstrating will keep that struggle alive.

The bad news is that Sarkozy got one of his main changes; i. e., moving the retirement age to 70 years old. It was only a few years ago the age was 55 years old.